Little Luxuries Irish King 
2017 Tobiano Mini Gypsy Pony
​a/a, E/E, and TO/n
Little Lester x China Girl
Irish King is the cornerstone of our breeding program here at Little Luxuries Mini Gypsies. Imported from Ireland, this exceptional little Tobiano stallion is not just our pride and joy; he is the heart of what we do.

With a wonderful and kind nature, Irish King embodies the temperament we strive for in all our horses. He is homozygous black, ensuring beautiful, rich color in his offspring. Irish King is an excellent choice for breeding to pony mares. His robust bone structure and long, flowing feathers make him the perfect match to add substance, bone, and feather to your foals. His exceptional genetics will produce strong, beautiful offspring with a striking appearance that showcases the best traits of the Mini Gypsy breed.

We are pleased to offer Irish King’s exceptional genetics to select breeders at a stud fee of $1,000. This investment is a fantastic opportunity to bring superior Mini Gypsy bloodlines into your program, with the potential for outstanding foals that carry on the legacy of this amazing stallion.

Irish King has done very well in the show ring with halter and driving classes. 
Reserve High Point Show 
Winner High Point Sport Pony 
Winner High Point Fun Class 
Winner High Point Breed Winner 
* First IGEA Lifetime Achievement Register Of Merit Earner in Breed *
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